Ribbon Cutting Program
Making the Most of Your Ribbon Cutting or Grand Opening
Do you have a grand opening or major anniversary to celebrate? If you are a new or current member of the Calistoga Chamber, we want to help commemorate your success.
The Chamber will provide you with the large, ceremonial scissors and a long length of ribbon, and a listing in our newsletters. It's recommended to book a photographer as we're not always able to have one attend.
Here are some helpful tips to make your ribbon cutting a successful event.
Your ribbon cutting or grand opening can be an effective tool to help your business get recognized. Please see the Ribbon Cutting request form below.

Here are a few tips to aid you in making your ribbon cutting a success.
TIMING IS EVERYTHING. Not only is the date and time of your event important, but also getting notification out about it. The Chamber requests three weeks to ensure that our representatives can attend your event. You should send your press release to news outlets two to four weeks prior to your event.
DAYS AND TIMES. We schedule ribbon cuttings Monday-Thursday, during the hours of 9:00a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
REACH OUT AND SHARE. Invite friends, family, former colleagues, fellow Chamber members, nearby businesses, and community dignitaries. If you wish to invite local dignitaries or public officials, you should confirm their availability before you schedule your event. We can even help get the invitations out to city officials. Please make sure you let us know in advance which dignitaries will be attending.
Showcase your event on the Calistoga Chamber event calendar. Complete the attached request form for inclusion.
Create a flyer to hand out to friends, family, current customers and businesses. Ask businesses near you to display a stack of flyers for your event.
HAVE FUN. Your ribbon cutting/grand opening will be the first time most people enter your business. Consider door prizes, giveaways, discounts on products and services, or offer items that will encourage your guests to become customers.
PUBLICIZE. WRITE A SOLID PRESS RELEASE. The first paragraph should include the date, time, and location of the event. Notable attendees, like politicians, may also be mentioned in the first paragraph. A second paragraph could contain a quote, prizes or giveaways, and other promotional ideas. Close with a short paragraph on the business and contact information.
SOCIAL MEDIA. Pull out your cell phone, take a picture, and share. Tag the Chamber in your Ribbon Cutting photo on Facebook and Twitter. The Chamber will share and retweet your posts to their thousands of fans and followers